Warren University Consulting

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About Andrew Warren

Andrew Warren is the founder of Warren University Consulting. With over 14 years of experience as a college counsellor at international schools in China and Indonesia, Andrew has helped more than 600 students successfully apply to universities across the world, from community colleges to Ivy League schools.

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Free Parent Info Sessions

College Compass is a monthly webinar series for parents hosted by college counsellor Andrew Warren. In this series, he discusses the college application process and what parents need to know to support their high school student.

  • September 25, 2024

    Helping Your Child Develop a Winning School List

    Gain expert insights into creating a compelling application profile and making data-driven decisions on where to apply. Learn about valuable resources, the importance of school visits, and dispelling common myths about popular and expensive colleges. Plus, we'll cover essential tips for parents to support their child's journey. Don't miss out on this chance to learn how to develop a college list with confidence and clarity!

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  • October 23, 2024

    Application Strategies for the US, UK, and Canada

    Having worked with over 600 students applying mainly to these three countries, I will provide expert insight, knowledge, and effective strategy to ensure success. We will look at how and when to apply, common myths and misconceptions, websites commonly used for research, the use of standardized test results in the admission process, and mapping out an effective and manageable overall strategy. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn about the key differences among these three wonderful destinations and how to apply to them while maximizing success!

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  • November 27, 2024

    Supporting Your Teen Through the Stress of College Applications

    The application journey can be stressful for a student, and parents too! It is a time of great joy when receiving offers of admission and making plans for the future, but it may also be the first time in life when a young person may experience the sting of rejection from a school they truly hoped to attend. We’ll discuss how to help and encourage your student without being overwhelming, how to let them lead the way with your support, how to choose times to discuss their application progress, and how to keep their stress under control as the process unfolds. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn practical and useful ways to support your student through this life changing journey!

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