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How can I ‘visit’ a school without going there?

There are many benefits to touring a university or college in person, but in reality, this is often something that families are not able to do, especially when it involves international travel and significant expense. The good news is that schools are aware of this and go out of their way to offer many different ways for a student to thoroughly investigate a school online. Here are some of the options that exist:


The online presence of a school is very important to its success, so they will very likely have a weekly or monthly newsletter that can be received by email (sign up!), or viewed by going to one of the social media platforms it uses (Instagram, Linkedin, etc.). If you sign up for a school’s newsletter, take the time to open the email when you receive one and click on some of the links and read the content that’s relevant to you. What you do with the email is often monitored by the university, and can play a role in your application review.

Online Tours

Budgets for schools to travel and do in-person visits at high schools globally are tight, so many schools will also host online tours where a student can watch a recorded tour of the campus and then interact with an admissions representative or a student ambassador.

Online Webinars and Information Sessions

Attend any online sessions hosted by the admissions office or specific departments to learn about academic programs, campus life, and application processes.

Connect with Current Students

Reach out to current students through platforms like social media, Reddit, or official university ambassador programs to ask questions about their experiences.

Explore College Review Websites

Use sites like Niche, Unigo, or College Confidential to read reviews from students and alumni about academics, campus culture, dorm life, and more.

Join Virtual Student Communities

Join online groups or forums on platforms like Discord, Facebook, or Reddit where current and prospective students discuss life at the school.

Read the Student Newspaper and Blogs

Many colleges have student-run publications available online. These provide insight into student opinions, current issues on campus, and upcoming events, offering a glimpse of campus culture.

Look at Faculty Profiles

If you are quite interested in a particular major, consider visiting the university’s academic department websites to read about faculty expertise, their research areas, and teaching styles to understand the quality of the education.

Research Alumni Networks and Outcomes

Look into the success of the university’s alumni by checking out alumni profiles on LinkedIn, employment statistics, or university alumni pages. I also find it helpful to look at the school’s retention rate, its graduation rate, and opportunities for undergraduate students to be involved in research during their degree.

University YouTube Channel

Lastly, explore videos and posts from the official university accounts on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, which often showcase campus life, events, and student testimonials.

Helping students find great schools to attend is what we do

Whether you can visit schools or not, we can help you to identify several great schools for you to consider. Book a complimentary consultation with us today to learn how we can support you on your application journey.