Welcome to a new school year!
It doesn’t matter whether you’re going into kindergarten or Grade 12, starting school again after a summer break always comes with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Are you in the right classes? Will you like your teachers? Will you be able to join the sports team you want to, or get the coveted leadership role in your club? And once you get into the upper high school years, are you doing everything you can to be ready to apply to college?
While we can’t help you find your homeroom or remember when your next English essay is due, we can help you answer that last question. What should you be doing to set yourself up for a successful year that will contribute to your application journey?
It pays to build a strong foundation
Whether you’re going into Grade 9 and still figuring out what your academic interests are, going into Grade 12 and starting to put together your university list, or somewhere in between, there’s plenty you can do to start the school year right. Students who feel prepared going into a new school year are those who feel confident in their academic and extracurricular choices, understand where they are in their college application journey (yes, even in the lower grades!), and have set goals to cultivate their leadership skills on campus.
There’s enough to worry about during the first few weeks of a new school year with your academics, so build a strong foundation before you get back in the classroom.
Get the tips that have helped over 600 students get into college
At Warren University Consulting, we’ve worked with hundreds of high school students applying to college. In our books, it’s never too early to start preparing for the next steps in your academic career!
We’ve used our decades of experience advising students as teachers and college counsellors to put together a guidebook for each grade with just the topics that’ll set you up for success. No fluff, no filler.
Each guide is tailored to the common challenges and concerns students in each grade level face when starting a new school year, both in and out of the classroom.
Check out some of the topics we cover in each grade level:
Grade 9
- Your Class Schedule for the School Year and Your First Semester
- Introduction to Time Management
- Introduction to Academic Interests
- Setting Goals for a Successful School Year
- Understanding Learning Styles and How They Can Help You Succeed
- and more!
Grade 10
- Time Management: Academic and Extracurricular
- Introduction to Leadership
- Unlocking Opportunities When Universities Visit Your High School
- Activities: Planning and Building
- and more!
Grade 11
- Start Connecting Your Strengths and Interests With Colleges
- High School Academics, Activities, and Your Pathway Forward
- Researching Colleges and Making a College List
- Understanding Letters of Reference (LORs) for College Applications
- Understanding Demonstrated Interest in College Applications
- and more!
Grade 12
- Refining Your College List
- Understanding Personal Statements and Supplemental Essays
- Understanding Early Deadline Schools in the University/College Application Process
- Essay Samples and Resources
- Managing Your Letters of Recommendation
- and more!

Ready to conquer this year?
Get your handbook for only $49USD and say goodbye to a stressful start to your fall semester.