Activities: How Important Are They?
As you dive into the whirlwind of college applications, you've probably heard endless chatter about the significance of extracurricular activities. But let's pause for a moment and unravel the mystery.
Activities: Is There A Formula?
As you dive into the whirlwind of college applications, you might be wondering about the role of extracurricular activities. Let's dig into the truth behind activities in the college admissions process.
How do I transfer in the US?
Whether you're unhappy where you are or looking to move on from your 2-year junior college, transferring is a very viable option.
SAT and ACT Scores: When and How to Use Them
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Test (ACT) are two standardized exams that have been integral to the college admissions process for decades. In this post, we'll explore how to strategically use these test scores to enhance your university applications.
Your Activity List and the Role it Plays in Your US College Applications
Delve into the complexities of the U.S. college application process, as we shed light on the holistic approach, dispel myths, and offer practical insights to guide you through this crucial aspect of your application.
How do I find US universities that are a good fit for me?
As you begin envisioning your university life, take the time to paint a picture of what happiness at university looks like for you, and then use this list to help guide you through the process of finding your ideal academic home.